A girl who is repeatedly shagged hard. Pumping motion, I pumped her hard
I pumped her hard when we fucked, such a pump piece
1. Very easy to do.
2. Maybe it’s really a piece of delicious cake.
Preparing a simple breakfast like scrambled eggs? It’s a piece of cake!
On August 15, bring the slut you’re fucking to your place of employment.
Are you bringing that bitch Cami to work on national slam piece day?
Puzzle piece a term used to refer to one’s significant other. (boyfriend/girlfriend)
Is Beyonce your puzzle piece?
A secretary who sleeps their way to a promotion.
When promotion is given this secretary discovers that they are way over their head. They then find the highest ranking subordinate and lures them in with the promise of false love,(no matter if the subordinate has a spouse or not) and pop tarts and famous Amos chocolate chip cookies. The Subordinate likes to tell the DDP that she is the greatest supervisor ever.
Look at that Deputy Dime Piece make the stupidest decisions ever.
When a dude that you always call a Piece Of Shit, makes art....
Hullo Hullo, Look what I made
WOW, you artistic piece of shit