To instigate a fight or brawl with a large glitter (group term) of gay men, not necessarily in a "hate crime" sort of way.
"How did you get that black eye?"
"Oh, me and Liam were tossing up some queens last night. Things got a bit heated"
Slang/vulgar way of saying the action of defecation aka, “going poop”.
“Hey Brett you seen a bathroom anywhere? I gotta drop some squash ASAP.”
Also used as an adjective,
“Hold on a second, I’m dropping some squash!
The magical white juice that comes out of the tippy top of our long ass penises
I want to Add some "special" sauce in our sexy time, Ginger!
If i smoke weed, I’m going to get thirsty, if I start drinking, I’m going to want to smoke some poop, if I smoke some poop, I’m going to slam some dope. Bad idea all the way around.
British(generally Birmingham) slang for wanking.
After a long day’s work, it’s always nice to come home and start whipping up some jelly.
From Max and Ruby used to annoy people by repeating it.
Person 1: Want some lettuce Beep Beep
Person 2: no
Person 1: Want some lettuce Beep Beep
Person 2: stop.
A term used to describe giving an action more effort
Lenox’s golf swing lands short of the hole. “Lenox, you need to give it some titty”