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South Paw

this is really suppose to be Soft Paw... someone fighting with their weak hand and not dominant hand. soft and south sound alike and that's what they made out south paw. which really dishonor the king of the north where this comes from and we not talking about anything on tv. don't forget everything on tv and movies get their stories from real life. so basically this guy did so much damage with his weak hand which is his left hand and he is right handed. trying to take it easily on the guy and still really hurt him. so now everyone is scared of the thought of getting hit by his strong right hand when the weak left hand soft paw they made up crack this person jaw. i know he won't like the name soft paw, and not south paw for two reasons now legend says.

i hear a lot of boxers say they won't ever fight a south paw but won't explain why.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ April 27, 2022

Lisha rae queen of the south

Queen of the south cuz shes such a barbie

Lisha rae queen of the south cuz she’s such a Barbie
Such a Barbie she’s such a Barbie

by yourememberthattttt October 31, 2024

South Dakota 2 Man

driving 13 hours to south dakota for a bitch ass who dont want me

i need to go on a south dakota 2 man and he still dont want me

by hoeassbitchpls February 21, 2025

South african redneck

A Sherrif named Schalla, who is riding his two legged donkey, towing his shit arsed cannons whilst going to war.

Hey Dolly what's that comin? Why its a South African redneck of course.

by GODX Mascot April 14, 2020

south girls

A slut

Person 1: Hey I heard you slept with the south girls.

Person 2: Nah man my wife would kill me.

by Dick Tion Airy February 23, 2016

South pole freeze

the act of punching the testicles during a blowjob

I thought i was in love untill she gave me a south pole freeze.

by swooooooooooooosh December 3, 2018

south texas spit shine

During middle aged gay male sex one man blows his load on another man's balding head and uses a sham wow to shine it.

When I get out of this Miata I am going to give Leron the old South Texas spit shine

by Rusty Shackleford December 21, 2016