When you eat some bad enchiladas, you get the boom units.
Either that, or this word means something about mushrooms.
"We are gonna come back in a little bit and we're trying to figure out where we might be able to eat some boom units. Want to partake?
Pronunciation: /ˈnʊrəl ˈprɑ sɛsɪŋ ˈju nɪt/ (This is a suggested phonetic pronunciation)
1. Neural Processing Unit (phrase, noun) - A specialized computational device from which fiber-forming electrodes enter the electronic cerebra.
2. A neural cerebra that connects to a microcontroller or central processing unit (CPU) via a universal serial bus (USB) or peripheral component interconnection (PCI) interface. It is abbreviated as NPU.
• It defines a “Neural Processing Unit” as a type of processing device.
• It specifies its connection methods (USB or PCI).
• It highlights its role within a larger computer architecture.
• It includes the abbreviation “NPU” to aid with clarity.
Phrase: neural processing unit
• “The new computer incorporates a powerful neural processing unit.”
• “The neural processing unit enhances the velocity of machine education.”
• “The engineers tested the compatibility of the neural processing unit.”
• “A neural processing unit was inserted into the socket via the PCI bus.”
• “The microcontroller communicates to the neural processing unit.”
Holy fuck mad thug units!
Yo theres some thug units on that corner lets turn back!
A thug unit was about to rob me but i ran!
Theres mad thug units there at this time!
1👍 1👎
the best tower defense game on roblox and in history
bro, unit defends is so fire !!
It's me! You're looking right at it!
Shit she is a tiny stupid ballsy unit! RESPECT!