Source Code

National Junkbot Day

National Junkbot Day starts on January 1 Junkbot day is the day in remembrance of the “Flamingo Junkbot Raid”

“I celebrated National Junkbot Day with my friends!”

by EggBoy8273773 April 15, 2021

National pass out on will websters beach day

August 9th is national pass out on will websters beach day, get so drunk you pass out on the sand.

"National Pass Out on Will Websters Beach Day" is described as a day on August 9th where people drink as much alcohol as they can until they pass out on the sand at Will Websters Beach.

by Hdbejdidn August 9, 2024

International Karen day

we appreciate how dumb the Karens are,for example NO one wants them to speak to the manger-

Happy international Karen day!

by December 3, 2020

National Best Head/Nudes Ever Day

Once a month any day between the 15th and the 30th you can send this to Girlfriend,sidechicc and/or Fucc buddy and they must have to choose either best head or best nude possible.

You: *sends definition* todays National Best Head/Nudes Ever Day choose your picc
Her: okay hold on *sends best nude possible*

You: ooou say less

by BabamfknYagga October 5, 2021

Day Tripper

A day tripper is someone who has fantastical theories and takes you on rabbit holes that makes you question everything you've ever believed or thought.

That guy is such a day tripper, he has me contemplating all my life choices!

by KayTheSav February 22, 2022

national jack adams day

Annual holiday that honors and celebrates the achievements and life of jack adams.

how are you going to celebrate national jack adams day? - jenna
we are going to have a picnic in the park! -jack

by jenjenjenjenjenjenjen August 3, 2021

frick the mods day

on the 10th of december, you get to frick the mods of discord, but the discords mods cant do anything

the mods got fricked up because it was the frick the mods day

by gamer_boy December 10, 2021