A Disney World attraction with all the Presidents’ assholes on display.
Glad I went solo to the park today without the family. Gonna get me some hot Grover Cleveland ass at the Hole of Presidents.
Where my mother says she keeps her paper work, and and also a fun expression a person might want to use in place of the word "mouth" or any other creative crevice.
1) OMG you wouldn't believe all the paperwork I have allowed to build up back there in my stash hole behind my computer.
2) Shut your stash hole.
Slang for a woman's pussy and asshole
After my girlfriend took her panties off she bent over a showed me her holes of happiness.
A hairy butt hole that any foreign object has easy access too. But once you go in you don't come out.
man that girl i met last week had the smelliest dooty hole, but i still went home with her
The male version of a ‘whore’ or ‘slut’.
John is a desperate hole chaser. He would fuck anything that walks.
the heating hole is essentially the ear, but only the right ear, and most commonly an ear that has recently been infected with ear sickness
i have a small adolescent munching on pastries in my heating hole
A game played where a blunt or joint is passed Clockwise.
Each player must have an alcoholic beverage.
The point is to keep the ash as long as possible without having it fall.
The joint/blunt must remain parallel to the ground the entire time.
If someone doesn’t hold it flat they must drink their alcoholic beverage for no less than 5 seconds.
The person the ash falls on must do a shot.
In a hand off, if the ash falls, both people passing and receiving must take a shot.
You guys wanna play ash-hole and get foxed as a mother fucker!