Source Code

8 Turn

When you are on a two lane two way road and realize that you missed a left turn so you make a U turn and go diagonally to it. But then you realize its the wrong one and it’s actually ahead so you make another U turn. Then you move left to get on the correct side again.

Person 1: I had to make a 8 turn today and now I feel stupid.

Person 2: You feel stupid? I made a Z turn because I didn’t notice the side I was on was under construction. I didn’t even finish the turn after the diagonal… I had to get my car towed AND fixed!

by September 12, 2022

8 shot marathon

when one consumes 8 shots of any type of liquor at 1 a.m. or later in rapid succession and proceeds to run a distance of atleast 2 miles

Holy shit I hear Jeremy ran an 8 shot marathon in under 20 minutes!

by dickdrizzle6969 June 10, 2012

EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP[{]}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd

it means gud or sum like that

have a EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd weekend bruh

by oceanicrealm January 2, 2024

EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP[{]}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd

A brilliant thing to do when one is feeling so FRIGGIN BORED, that one tries to literally gulp up the urban dictionary, leaving maybe a single grain of sand behind, but guess what, this word is PART of that single grain of sand!

have a EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd weekend bruh.

by oceanicrealm January 2, 2024

EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP[{]}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd

It's cool

The word EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd is awesome!

by oceanicrealm April 30, 2023

November 8

Free no but November pass. Today all actions will not count towards no nut November!

November 8th. On this day all Touching kiss teasing pleasing are ALL legal and will not disqualify you from no nut November!

by Baby girl 69 November 8, 2019

November 8

On November 8 is it official No Nut November cheat day.
Guys can cheat this day but they have to tell you his deepest secret.

Me: It’s November 8!
Guy: Yes, i can cheat.
Me: Now you have to tell me your deepest secret!

by OfficialNoNutNovember November 8, 2019