Source Code

Gems and Light

The unrealistic recipe for Dead Rising 2's Lightsaber ripoff.

To be more specific,gems and a flashlight.

Gems and light make wonderful patterns on the ceiling.

by OmegaSoul December 18, 2016

horny light

When one is getting into the zone of needing sex.
In aviation and many other industries equipment has caution lights that come on when your equipment needs servicing.
The “symbol” or “verbiage” behind the light tells one what needs serviced.

My horny light is flashing need sex soon.
My horny light is steady, need sex now.
My horny light is steady bright, over due for sex.

by MRlickalotapuss September 26, 2023


User on the website deviantART in charge of keeping people in line in #iRPG and making the IdleGuards look good.
Signature: "Insert meaningful phrase here."

Example sentence: "Hey, are there enough words to describe how cool shadowed-light-waves is?"

by shadowed-light-waves September 24, 2007

Light Blowy

A spit & rub

Since you haven't showered I'll just give you a light blowy.

by FabricFresh April 11, 2016

White Light

A new drug that makes you feel like a near-death experience, like when you die and then come back.

Tell me, Chrissy
Have you ever had a near-death experience?
Like you die and then come back?
I... no, I don't think so
Well, neither have I
But there's this new drug out that makes you feel just like that
How wild, you done it?
Yeah, it's called White Light
It's fucking unbelievable
You wanna try some?
Oh, I don't know
Come on, Chrissy
Afraid of a little danger?

"I feel . tingly,
Like there's electricity running through my body."
"That's what I love about this shit,
No matter how many times you do it,
You never get used to it,
Every time is like the first time."
"Oh shit, what's happening to me?"
"It'll be okay.
The best is yet to come."

by irenealphapapi August 8, 2024

bud light in the loafers

See "light in the loafers"

Bob: Is Jimmy drinking what I think he's drinking?
Carl: ya... You know Jimmy. He's always been a little bud light in the loafers.
Bob. ...true. Hey. Grab my a Yeungling from the cooler.

Carl: You got it man.

by pseudosymmetry May 24, 2023

child of the light

child of the light

A child who is lost in sound, time, and reality.

"that poor kid."
"did you know?, He's a child of the light."

by lkaoiss February 19, 2023