When someone’s talking some bullshit and u gotta go
Person A- “so I have my colonoscopy tomorrow and I’m excited”
Person B- “I have an Iced Tea”*proceeds to leave*
one of many phrases used to substitute for shit but you're also british so all you can think of is tea time later that day with sharon
"Oh, SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA! I've burned the biscuits again Sharon!
A Milwaukee drink consisting of Pabst Blue Ribbon(PBR), Night Train, and Gin.
It's soo hot today, pass me another Jones Island Iced Tea, Bartender!
Peeing into a plastic cup while stuck in traffic, and leaving the cup with the lid and straw reattached, out on the roadway surface.
I was stuck in that traffic jam for three hours and had to go SO BAD I had no choice but to do the Traffic Jam Hot Tea!
a masculine tea party wherein the "tea" is whiskey
Liam gathered his stuffies for a Ron Swanson Tea Party cheering "come on panda, come on bear, let's have some whiskey!"
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The Old-England Tea Bag is when you urinate on your S/O's face then proceed to take a dump into her mouth.
Dude 1: I gave my wife the Old-England Tea bag this morning.
Dude 2: Wow! How'd she take it?
Dude 1: She filed for a divorce this morning.
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The flying tea-bag, commonly refered to as the F.T.B., is one of the most devestating attacks/acts of douchbaggery in existence to date. Do Not Attempt This Without A Trained Proffesional!!! BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS, HARD FLOORS, OR GROUND CAN RESULT IN SERIOUSE INJURY OR DEATH.
In order to perform an FTB one must get their groin up to atleast the mark's chin level. You catch their head between your legs, with your legs splayed into a Y. Hit with enough momentum to bring them to the ground, and as they are going down, land on your feet and run off into the sunset. They rack their head and you accomplished something magical.
I was comin down the stairs and zach came around the bottom, not paying attention. I swung off the railing, caught him in forehead with a beautiful flying tea bag (ftb) and he went down flailing. I hit the ground standing and ran off into the sunset.
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