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Urban Dictionary Showdown

If challenged to an urban dictionary showdown, you must both immediately hit the random button at the same time, regardless of situation, lack of required limbs or mid-masturbation, and see who gets the funniest results.

Ben, I challenge you to an Urban Dictionary Showdown!

But I've got a King Kong boner and it won't go away

Get the fuck in here!

by Ben Ajayi-Obe January 30, 2012

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urban dictionary user

sad homeless cunts who wont publish my fucking words

your a urban dictionary user

by buckfast brand September 5, 2018

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Urban Dictionary Editors

People that live to piss others off! They reject definitions that people work hard on and that would be usefull to other people. Instead, these editors CRUSH YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS!!! Don't reject something because you don't like it or agree with it. Reject it only if it doesn't make sence! Don't reject something because it insults you! Dumbasses!

Those Urban Dictionary editors crushed my hopes and dreams!

by Iluvch0c0tac0s April 19, 2013

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urban dictionary fag

1. A person who is obsessed with posting definitions on urban dictionary that deal with their feeling about facebook.

2. A loser who vents their anger out on urban dictionary.

3. person who post their own names on urban dictionary.

4. One who reads urban dictionary.

if you talk about facebook on urban dictionary it makes you an urban dictionary fag.

by pseudonamed December 9, 2009

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urban dictionary ads

the girls on these ads are so hott

nice tits and ass on these urban dictionary ads

by rich78 November 10, 2010

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urban dictionary

A place that should be moderated again and i wish for you reader to flag racist posts

Hey dude do you wanna clean up Urban dictionary from all this racist bs? Flag racist definitions

by elMexicanoAmericano March 15, 2022

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Urban dictionary editor

The people who hold your entire urban dictionary fate in their fingertips. The ones who can make your year and publish your definition. Or tear apart your dreams and not.

"Hey man, you wanna get on urban dictionary?"


by k.derr July 12, 2009

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