Son of a person's father with that same person's maternal aunt or son of a person's mother with that same person's paternal uncle.
My three-quarter-brother is a good person.
1- Son of mother and of uncle (father's brother) simultaneously.
2- Son of father and of aunt (mother's sister) simultaneously.
3- Cousin and half-brother simultaneously.
this is when a polyamorous relationship blossoms from sexual intercourse with two partners simultaneously in a love triangle.
i just wish we had a three-waytionship years ago. I love hanging out with both of you.
😱: I smacked your back for three times
A common thing that appears in video games.In order to get the next objective the player must destroy,kill,talk,conquer...etc. three things.
"Kill the Elite Three in order the pass the gate"
"Rule of three cliché strikes again"
When you find out your crush has started a relationship with someone and you have a sour attitude towards life itself for the next three days.
Weston: George are you alright man?
George: Just a case of the three day downsies.
Weston:I...I am so sorry for you man.
A three way with two lesbians and a straight man.
I think those lesbians felt bad for me, I thought I had a chance for a ‘Portland three way’.