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Wyoming cow lift

The act of taking a fat lesbian women and having buttsex with her while she moos in a wind farm.

Man 1: How was the family reunion in Cheyenne?

Man 2: Great my cousin and I played the Wyoming cow lift!

by Jack is a fag November 18, 2019

Perhaps Cow

Perhaps Cow is the definition of Comedy.

Perhaps Cow is also a meme of a cow, with the writing 'Perhaps'.

Kit: Hey Gery, you know about the Perhaps Cow meme?

Gery: Perhaps

by C-Kitten May 19, 2021

Cow in my stomach

The oppressive act of consuming beef against the orders of Shri Narendra Modi Ji. The oppressor in this case must whine out all the energy consumed in the egregious act of consumption to ensure the net effect is zero.

Girl 1: I am such a vegan and I love animals
Girl 2: You just had beef steak
Girl 1: Oh My GOD!!! There is a cow in my stomach!!!

by RuffBudda January 25, 2022

Space cow

Feeling lost and lonely and out of place. Like you don't belong

Little timmy says his mood today is like a space cow

by Brisimmnerd February 20, 2019

cow kick

when you get kicked by a cow

Matthew "i just been cow kicked"

by I’mFunnyHaHa June 18, 2018

snow cow

Commonly a very overweight young woman or college girl in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Due to the excessively long and dark winters, out of sheer boredom, young women tend to consume mass quantities of cheap high calorie dorm food and guzzle buckets of overpriced fruit flavored craft beer while avoiding exercise. These bad habits result in rapid weight gain to the point where the once trim and fit high school senior who is now a college freshman now resembles a Texas heifer in a stockyard.

My old HS girlfriend used to be a super fit cheerleader. After a year in the UP at college, she's a major snow cow who looks like a brown bear about to hibernate.

by Vinnie from Chicago December 31, 2025

Cameroons cows

the cameroons cows where good cows VERY VERY GOOD COWS they made meat and milk and more cows they where basic gods

available in area on we need Cameroons cows NOW

by jefjwuijedsuhyc July 24, 2020