Originating from smash bros ultimate, It is when you "let it be you" this phrase can be used in other scenarios but most commonly in the game i mentioned earlier.
ZSSUX: wow he got rekt, He let it be him
XX_N0RMALP3RS0N_XX: shut up idiot
when your about to leave the house with your family and dad or mum? says lets rock & roll! in the UK.
child: i'm ready lets go now.
dad: lets rock & roll!
A phrase used by people that doesn't know what opinion is when someone criticise or dislike something/someone that these people like.
Guy I: Honestly, I don't like Joker 2. This movie was so boring and completely watered down the prequel.
Guy II: Hmmm...How about you let people enjoy things, you fascist?!
Guy I: -___-
This phrase was popularised in mid-2019 in Australia and is a reference to both the Australia-wide UCAT exam and a global-FPS game.
Verbal Reasoning is a section inside the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) which is abbreviated as (VR).
VR is also an acronym for a term in the popular online MMO-FPS 'Fortnite' which means 'Victory Royale'.
Hence "Lets get this Verbal Reasoning" is used as a sort of cathartic relief and a battle cry for strong grinders to gee themselves up.
Guy 1: Oh shit man finals are right around the corner.
Guy 2: Fuar true. No worries though, lets get this verbal reasoning.
To obscure ones vision of a desired object
"let the dug see the rabbit eh?"e.g. yir mate walks in front o the telly when a crackin pair o paps appear oan a gorgeous babe
Usually said just before getting ahead of ourselves.
Redditter 1: Jacob follows Rogue on Twitter, Roster change confirmed.
Redditter 2: Let's not get ahead of oursel... Jacob on Rogue confirmed.
Someone who agrees to take part in an Mad Monk challenge, but bails a month before with a shit excuse.
I double booked, and chose a wedding over a manly event and piss up. Sorry to be a let down cunt.
I dont think my foot will last the whole 10k. (the mrs wants me to walk the dogs instead.) I am also a let down cunt