Bella h is a popular bum and also too smart to be dumb therefore is a popular nerd
Nah, you... You shut the fuck up... Bitch..
Dork "But YOU'RE a bible nerd too!"
Hym "I did say I wasn't! I said YOU are fuck-face!"
A combat nerd is a player who says skilling is a waste of time with a combat lvl usually between 120-130 with a shit total level. eg. 1600. The funny thing is they are hopeless at combat and camp at bandits.
Grunza: Why don't you train your skills?
Calumforwrd : Becuase its a waste of time, im all combat.
Grunza: Lol, the funny thing is your combat is shit you combat nerd.
Divine creature that protects all and everything
Andy the nerd won the rap battle against Joey the bully
Fucking Devine god of the gods that created all gods because he’s just superior
Andy the nerd created god
Fucking god of the gods just above everyone and everything
Andy the nerd vs c00chie man
when you get internal angry a bout a nerdy thing. all geeks and nerd get this really bad.
You- i got inner nerd rage at the star wars trailer