When a chick possess the triple threat combination of a FUPA, a Badonkadonk, and a Cameltoe.
Star Jones, in the heyday of "The View", could barely fit her bag o' nasty in the studio chair, let alone the camera shot.
The heavily forested area of the game map of San Andreas.
This area has little to no man made features, full of trees and generally foggy.
Because of this- the forest has been associated with myths and creatures, such as bigfoot.
Also, it's the scariest fucking place in the game.
Back o Beyond is the scariest place in the state of San Andreas!
When you're holding a cat, or any small animal, and it backs onto your thumb, causing you to penetrate the animal.
Gavin had a Slip O' The Thumbs when he was holding Geoff's cat.
Things you accidentally type or say online because you are high.
"My fingers keep misspelling my password! Damn pot-o-correct!"
The face you make when you're jizzing balls while screaming “I GOT SOME YOGURT FOR YA” as you come.
He yelled out, "I GOT SOME YOGURT FOR YA'" and the next thing I knew I was looking at his O-Yogurt face.
A good song by Rap Monster and V.
"Oh boy, 4 o' clock is a good song!"
The Egg O’ Biscuit is a large, fast-food grade biscuit with a fried egg, cheese, and sometimes ham. perfect for grabbing on your way out the door to class and eating on the run.
The (more commonly called) Egg o' Biscuit was also called "Egg o' Muffin," the "Egg o' Biscuit," and, somewhat incongruously, the "Egg o' Croissant."
The Egg o' Biscuit was quoted as many people surveyed "A flavor explosion in there mouth" Although many people has a passion for the Egg O' Biscuit, It was shamed on by many due to it's yolk. Usually liquid, the yolk had the tendency to squirt out the other side of the sandwich unexpectedly.
However, many people think that it approached the breakfast sandwich perfection asymptote more thoroughly than any other of its kind, Many people still adore The Egg O' Biscuit.
Person 1: "Hey is that a Egg O' Biscuit?"
Person 2: "Yeah, and It just exploded all over my shirt."