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Phone froze up

When your phone is froze up and won't go down.

She be like you on viagra or what your phone froze up

by Richard Fittzwell 187 February 13, 2023

Milk phone

When your phone battery gets down to 1% or 2%

Yeah buddy I'll give you a buzz here shortly.

You won't get ahold of me if I don't find a charger... I got that milk phone!

by Maxwell65 June 3, 2019

Drain the phone

Verb. Euphemism for doing what one does with a Shake Weight (except to a penis instead of a Shake Weight) and consequently draining one's mobile phone battery with a tragic porn streaming addiction.

We need to end this conversation now because if I don't go drain the phone someone's gonna get hurt.

by PhoneDraina May 13, 2017

Phone Bitch

The person in an office setting designated to answer the phone when no one else will. Especially in a high call setting, such as the ‘hate department’. Generally the newest person in this high turn over department.

I’m not phone bitch today, that’s Sandra!

by Tracy’s Hotline July 20, 2019

Aung Phone Pyae

A burmese guy , who usually has a six pack but its not tall (well define built body)

Person 1: Wow your abs are rock hard
Aung Phone Pyae: Yeah i do situps everyday

by Alanverto November 23, 2023

phone day

use your phone all day

“Hey it’s phone day! Time to get on my phone

by coolkid377373 September 22, 2021

Phone rage

getting angry at someone for using their cell phone in an inappropriate manner, such as texting in a movie theater while the movie is playing. Has escalated to murder at least once. used by Frosty Stillwell on his San Francisco 910am radio show, january 23, 2014.

I regretfully expect we will be seeing more incidents of phone rage in the future.

by Mercurywoodrose January 24, 2014