When your phone is froze up and won't go down.
She be like you on viagra or what your phone froze up
When your phone battery gets down to 1% or 2%
Yeah buddy I'll give you a buzz here shortly.
You won't get ahold of me if I don't find a charger... I got that milk phone!
Verb. Euphemism for doing what one does with a Shake Weight (except to a penis instead of a Shake Weight) and consequently draining one's mobile phone battery with a tragic porn streaming addiction.
We need to end this conversation now because if I don't go drain the phone someone's gonna get hurt.
The person in an office setting designated to answer the phone when no one else will. Especially in a high call setting, such as the ‘hate department’. Generally the newest person in this high turn over department.
I’m not phone bitch today, that’s Sandra!
A burmese guy , who usually has a six pack but its not tall (well define built body)
Person 1: Wow your abs are rock hard
Aung Phone Pyae: Yeah i do situps everyday
getting angry at someone for using their cell phone in an inappropriate manner, such as texting in a movie theater while the movie is playing. Has escalated to murder at least once. used by Frosty Stillwell on his San Francisco 910am radio show, january 23, 2014.
I regretfully expect we will be seeing more incidents of phone rage in the future.