Furiously Google-searching the web presence of someone you despite. Also known as hate-Googling.
I was so mad when I hear Bob was cheating on my friend with a woman named Lauren Smith that I spent an hour on a rage-Google search of her online presence.
To angrily end your life, (Don’t actually do it) or a saying when you are so upset and angry because of something. (Only for jokes)
I am going to rage-quit my life.
When some gymfluencer says the most insane shit about the gym/fitness that it makes you question wtf is going on
ex) iF yOu ArEnT DoInG 1o0 PuSh Ups, 3o RePs, oR 1000, cRuNcHeS a dAy, We nEeD tO hAvE a TaLk.
also see: retard
Yo, did you see that gymfluencer rage bait vid about how protein powder is the number one cause of lack of gains?
Damn, he's such a rage baiter
1👍 3👎
When a sams becomes so enraged normally from being called out, during this rage they typically injure themselves and beat women
Yeah did you see him sams rage last night???
Yeah man, what a total sams
Expressing you feelings of deep uncontrollable anger in a way that all the other drivers around you will know how your are feeling also.
Aggressively maneuvering around cars while shouting obscenities at them for going the speed limit.
A desperate attentpt to get attention.
My sister went through her husbands iPad and found he had been telling other people her personal issues.... The more she obsesses over the messages the more anger build up and she decided to get into her car and go rage driving like she is on a murder mission as a one man wolf pack.
When you get to a point in a game, whether it be a video game, board game, etc. and you become unstoppable. There is no way around avoiding a person on Arnold Rage, you just have to suffer until the event ends.
Guy 1: "Dude, it's your turn!"
Guy 3: "...Crap. Arnold Rage."
Guy 1: *sigh...*