1.The hottest bitch on the block;)
2. the right way to spell sara
you're lookin' like Sarah Meiselman
Sarah Suffrage is a super sexy lady in the Schoolhouse Rock series. She has long red hair in a ponytail, a blue crop top with a star, red bell bottoms, and lacks a belly button.
Sarah Suffrage is one of the hottest redheads in the show.
Most amazing girl in the universe, seriously not a sweeter or more beautiful soul than hers... she’s all mine
Most intelligent most beautiful most powerful and amazing girl ever!
That’s Sarah B
That’s my girlfriend Sarah B
Sarah if you see this you must hug hug and get married
come on sarah and safi i beleive in you you got this relationship forever
A very caring, beautiful, sexy woman in her 50's. Sarah loves cooking for her children and husband, they mean the world to her. Sarah loves writing in the meantime and will have friends over for tea parties usually. She loves hosting parties but sometimes she gets very mad for no reason.
Oh wow.. My mom really is beautiful. She is such a Sarah Bobbington!
When you pass out on the bathroom floor, face down after not coping with an edible.
Person 1: *passed out face down on the floor*
Person 2: "She's Sarah Phunged"
Person 3: "She's Phunged up"