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stands for "suspicious"
also used to describe difficult things
popularized by the "Amogus" meme

s1 : this math homework is sus

by sus34242 June 1, 2021


Among us

among us player: that is kinda sus. I think he might be imposter

by FNAFBIGFAN August 6, 2022


A less meanful way to call someone gay or a fagget. In a poking fun manner.

James is sus/ James is a sus
He’s gay?
No I’m just kidding

by Beanbagboi April 16, 2018


When the imposter is sus/ When something is sus

Blilly is very sus

by Idiotic_Man April 19, 2021


sus imposter from amongus😏

donation: say subs without the b
jack: sus. *dis-inflates*

by astrolnibblesppbutnotacually November 23, 2021


SuS is a famous made up word from videos in the comedic section of YouTube called “YouTube Poops” which are videos that are stupidly comedic and make no sense what so ever

Alex Jones:“They have no SuS!” Quote from “{YTP} ALEX JONES LOSES HIS MIND”

by EdoubleB February 17, 2018


sus among us

Bro, thats sussssssssssss

by chip109875 November 14, 2021