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Troll porn

A provocative post where you see a maximum disruption and argument. Finding it enjoyable and pleasurable. Witnessing the art of trolling.

That one post was full of troll porn, couldn't keep my eyes off it.

by Wonder_ May 21, 2016

Painted troll fat

Saying this phrase will get you sent to Facebook jail. Source: Personal experience. Refers to: the game Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and the quest “A Brush With Death” where you enter a painting and fight painted trolls which will drop painted troll fat when killed.

I follow a gibberish page on Facebook and decided to randomly comment “painted troll fat” which got me sent to Facebook jail. I got 3 days for my 3rd offense for equally stupid reasons. Thanks mods!

by Zozothecat July 23, 2021

Troll humor

Something (joke, story, movie-scene) an individual does not find funny until they meet someone who is offended by it.

Then they find it hilarious (either from the nervousness, ridiculousness, obscenity, or the person is in-fact a troll)

Bob: So I heard this really lame joke the other day (insert joke)
Chad: … that's not funny (insert personal story)
Bob: … BAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Well I guess this friendship is over?
Chad: Nah, it's alright I understand troll humor just like when (inserts joke about Bob's life)
Both: (Laugh and continue being friends)

by Ian McSmith October 12, 2021


A particularly annoying individual with manners similar to an ogre. The hill-troll mostly lives in a small cave-like hut in the hills and is considered to be a person of lower intelligence than the average person. Hill-trolls are considered to be people with no prospects of future success. (see also dingle)

Don't worry about Trevor and his manners. He's just an unsophisticated hill-troll that doesn't understand why people become uncomfortable whenever he talks.

by Lenuel Gullivar March 19, 2022


What you should type in @Ali_J_1234 youtube's commments

https : // youtube.com/comments:TROLLED LOL

by some random ass kid January 31, 2022

counter troll

Answering the troll with such outmost sincerity it completely wrecks the whole point of trolling.

- Jeez, don't feed the trolls.
- Shut-up and counter troll the mf instead.

by Mr. Cocksson December 3, 2017

Trolls United!

A rasict Place

TRolls United! is right there

by Dudethatcares September 3, 2021