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Vagina Fick

When you stick your head inside a vagina and lick it inside

Daniel gave Micheal a Vagina Fick as a present

by Rap Jack 69 April 17, 2016

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vagina digger

An insult to be taken figuratively or literally that implies someone is digging in one's vagina.

What are you looking for, you vagina digger!?

by Obey_Heda December 6, 2016

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Vagina ass

When ones ass begins to sag and takes on the appearance of a vagina

When a person has tendencies beyond being an asshole

"My husbands ass started sagging and he now has a vagina ass"

"That dude acted like such a vagina ass"

by Hells angel bites April 11, 2016

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Vagina Bubbles

The product of when a girl shoves boba down her privates and proceeds to pop them one at a time using the muscles in her genital region.

You see the girl at the Pinkberry, yeah she took some boba and did some vagina bubbles up in the bathroom.

by J.Cole feet July 17, 2018

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Violet vagina

When a girl does not get her sexual pleasure and is left just before cumming

E.G hey Johnson did you make that girl cum last night? Nah mate gave her a violet vagina

by Kilbey January 6, 2017

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vagina tap

Furiously tapping the vagina until your girlfriend feels bad for you and gives you sex.

Berry tried to vagina tap me so hard last night. I gave in after five minutes.

by King Kylie cakes March 22, 2015

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vagina gang

A gang of badass sexy bitches

Alanna and Rachel are in the Vagina Gang, they're so hot!

by Bad bitch July 16, 2014

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