Stank like your white tee after a lap dance at a ratchet strip club
Boi that shit stank like ass cheeks on ah white tee
Getting an ass whooping with the holy bible while getting clensed with holy water
“Dude my mom gave me a Christian ass whooping yesterday”
“Lmao rip you”
When your girlfriend takes up at least 2/3 of the bed and you are unable to move her
You had an Anchor Ass last night!
Someone who is lazy, usually sedentary for long periods of time. Their ass is the anchor preventing their departure
Why don't you get off your anchor ass and go outside
Ugly Ass Dog, its a dog named akira who is now dead as hell and a gacha heat
Tony ur friends Ugly Ass Dog is dead also ur the only person going to the funeral
A new rare strain of swamp ass that first surfaced in Oregon, 2025
pretty gnarly case of swamp ass, might be the new strain known as "nathan swamp ass".
At grandma's house when you break a glass coffee table, you get your ass whooped.
You broke my coffee table!! Ight imma beat you so bad its not enough ass to last till sundown