The smell that comes from the moisture in one's ass crack after a long day. An extremely disturbing smell.
Damn son, your breath smell like all types of ass tinge!
This nigga is an absolute dumbfuck. He gets 0 bitches and constantly hets bullied at school. Nobody likes him and the very thought of him grants displeasure. He leaves a trail of misery and idiocy every where he goes and has the iq of a carrot. Jack is the type of guy to call a boy with his girlfriend “sus” he thinks that everything is a meme and will t-pose at funerals. He’s an over shrimp dicked nigger who gets butt raped by every homesexial Pakistanis
Person 1: is that stupid ass jack?
Everyone: “kills themselves because of the thought of jack”
Brim is short for Brimstone, we all know his cake is thicker than Reyna's cake. Brims ass hair is essentially pubes which stands for dick hair, however in this case we are explaining his ass hairs. His ass hairs are pretty thick and soft. If you decide to touch it, it wont hurt you. It can be a little bit wet sometimes, but that's not the issue here. In all, Brim's ass hairs stand for brims ass cheek pubes.
Brim's ass hairs is the hair that is located on brimstone (Character from valorant)'s ass
Might not be the absolute awesomest in existence, but will for sure bury whoever or whatever is.
-That 's the killerest-ass weed I ever smoked in my life, wtf hahaha, i'm fuckered lmao!
-Wow, your mom makes the killerest-ass lasagna!
-Bro, you flow the killerest-ass rhymes, bro. Sick as fuck, yo. You rock muthfukka.
a bad ass bitch a stupid hoe who is to hot for this world
i'm a bad ass bitch now fuck me
Face in ass is an act where you hump her to her ass bleeds and then you put your face in her bloody ass and eat her out.
Yo I face in assed Becky last night.