Source Code

International baby cow day

A day where baby cows are to be celebrated on December 3rd

International Baby Cow Day is a day where you slaughter a whole bunch of baby cows...I think?

by goshdarndiggitydammit April 10, 2024

Hump Day Blues

The bleak feeling one gets in the middle of the week.

I got the Hump Day Blues. I feel like last weekend was so long ago, and this weekend is so far away!

by MrJuice November 20, 2019

Give Me Money Day

A non-specfic day in the year dedicated to giving the person writing this, a crisp 50 dollar bill, and a kiss on the cheek.

" Its give me money day ! You should give me some cash B) "

by Sussy. December 19, 2022

National boobs appreciation day

February second is national boobs appreciation day! Where we appreciate boobs of all sizes big and small. Make sure to tell all of your friends you love their boobs and you may even get a peek!

Sarah: what day is it today?
John: February 2nd of course, national boobs appreciation day!
Sarah: oh wow then here is your gift!

by Eggrol1 February 2, 2022

National jazzy day

A day to commemorate a friend

Hey, it’s National jazzy day!!

by Hotmama4lyfe December 6, 2022

Doggo gets owner day

On the 18th December Doggo gets owner on all discord servers and the owner can't do anything about it

I love doggo gets owner day

by fuzhzthu87ihu iko December 17, 2021

national wake your s.o. up day

wake your significant other up right fucking now. disturb their sleep. it’s your day to annoy the shit out of them for no reason. it takes place on every 3rd friday of june

“oh why are you up so early?”

“it’s national wake your s.o. up day, so i’m about to throw some water at this bitch

by bubabear101 June 18, 2021