Something often said. It means their gonna fuck all the women and drink all the beer.
I'm gonna fuck all the women and drink all the beer.
when you say this you will gain 69 maltis bitchs
Fester Fuck (n): A cluster fuck of a situation that one ignores until either, (a) the conditions of the situation begin to fester like a wound smelling of geriatric diapers and almonds, or (b) it becomes an unmitigated chunderstorm.
That hoarder's place up the street is literally rotting under a 10 year layer of broken dreams and apathy. It is an absolute fester fuck over there.
When someone says their give a fuck is broken, you tell them to fix their fuck.
Anthony says "My give a fuck is broken!",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I say "well, FIX YOUR FUCK!"
see bouley. repeated bouleying someone and then yelling like an englishman, "BOULEY FUCK!!!"
A: "What the Bouley?"
Z: "right then, was it good for you too?"
A cheap ass pussy ass petty fuck that resides in the vallys of east dearborn michigan that only drinks clearly Canadian
Relax you fucking peon
This is what you say to someone who insults you as their teeth are participants in their mouths assault against you.
Mandy: "Listen trick! You have no play! Now go suck some disturbing dicks in the bus station to go get your next latte!"
Mandy: " Wow! I just said your anklets were tacky. Fuck you and your teeth! I hear your dad's glory hole is lonely...!"