Today is a day. Do not forget that today is a day
Friend 1: Today is a day brodie!
Friend 2: Of course I know that its April 7th
It's actual impossible to get kicked out. Love yah from moon to sun to midway to center of earth to grand design.
Open 25/7 not 6/7 when u accomplish what you came to do 💯
when your bored in school and literally type everything on the keyboard except capitals
`~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qweèéêëēėęrtyÿuûüùúūiîïíīįìoôöòóœøōõp{}\|aàáâäæãåāsßśšdfghjklł;:’”zžźżxcçćčvbnñńm,<.>/? is my favourite word
The 7 pin is the pin that griffin leaves when bowling and then curlers up in a little ball and cry’s like a baby
Griffin to a 7 pin on a date because trinity didn’t like him
Ukrainian pop group w 6 boys & 1 girl
So u going to 7 teen’s concert tonight
Def yes
A mixed cocktail with Pink Whitney vodka, 7UP and ice
Person 1: Do you want a drink?
Person 2: Sure I'll have 7 in the Pink!