When someone's got feet so dirty, the bottom of them (souls) became pitch black (dark) out of dirtiness
Thom has some serious feet fetish problem... he literally asked me to get Dark Souls so he could clean them with his tounge
When someone has feet so dirty, the soul is completely dark from dirt
Thom has a foot fetish problem... last night he asked me to get Dark Souls so he could clean them with his mouth
A fusion of soul samples and Modern hip hop/trap music
That’s that “dark soul” music, that laidback ride and think type of vibe.
Dark Man is a man so dark they are barley noticeable by the naked human eye. They are so dark they absorb/envelope every day of light there is in the surrounding area
A question you know that is best opposed to herself and a question you might automatically say out of the blue when you are talking to her; if at some point you meet a distressed traumatized female with "Carol Anne" for a first name and "Star" as a last name; who has either had an abusive or a stressful past life and is always mean, angry, defensive, panicky, and holds a bizzare negative opinion in regards to nearly everything that brings us human beings together! Things like sex, dating, pregnancy, children, babies, love, marriage, kissing, and cuddling...
It's not easy for anybody! We all got our own issues to handle and we all go through bad things but having the last name star, one would assume you'd be hella tougher coping than the rest of us. You're a star and stars are bright! How can a star twinkle its way into the dark and can't shine a way out? Use your light and step away from the darkness Carolanne Star! Otherwise you'll end up just like starlight.sl1996
The best Persiseant World experience out of all the NWN servers in existence.
I tried all those other servers like Avlis and Mythos, but none were so good as Dark Century.
Due to the sheer size of elephants, Finding a Doorknob in the Dark refers to how they mate. They mount and then just stay there until the males genitalia finds its way in.
Did you see those elephants? It looked like he had no idea where he was supposed to put it.
Yea, like finding a doorknob in the dark.