putting on a nice face with friends in public. Being chill, easy, go with the flow for the sake of yourself and your relationships.
Dude, I want a girl like Megan. She’s such a baby goat.
when a goot has sex with a black hairy goat she gets horned up the goothole and she screams John SimCox
Stopgooty goat ing your goat
sam novitz goot
A danish way of saying "Now that jobs done"
Now that goat is shaved
a rammy goat is some one who favor poop and black like wah and whose last name is ramsay
you look like a likkle rammy goat
the noise when a disgusting man has sex
I was having sex and he like grunting like a goat
A deity, described as a human/goat hybrid, that resides in every ocean. Known to come out after dark and take unworthy sailors to the bottom of the ocean.
“What happened to John?” “I heard it was the Goat Man that snatched him up the other night.”
Goat man is the best tiktoker ever because he just fucking is and if you don’t like him um you are poopy