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ham class

An obese person booking two seats in econony class on a plane travels ham class.

When it's time for obese people to board a plane, the gate agent says "Now boarding ham class".

by ReyVenge May 29, 2024

go ham on that

like go town on that but better

i hope she go ham on that caramel sauce

by Chelsea BW November 24, 2016


Any person who can generally just "ham it up".

You get Lola in front of a camera & she's a total ham-ball".

Girl gets to drinking so fierce, you can't take that ham-ball anywhere without making a scene.

by J. Steinbeck December 14, 2015

Ham candle

The ham candle is also known as the pennis aka male love muscle

Girl: I've ran out of fresh cucumbers after making the kids a tuna salad
Guy: how about you come here and light up my ham candle ?
Girl: mmmmmm candle sauce my favourite 😍

by Ham candler March 6, 2024

Slapped Ham

A red or inflammed pussy, most common after

drawn out & vigorous sex.

Let me know when I can have some more of that slapped ham

by LemonySnickets February 5, 2022

standing between the hams

When you are experiencing the act of performing anal sex with your member from the behind area of your partner.

Mark thought perhaps Joe was buried deep in a beaver, but in fact he was standing between the hams.

by dustychenille March 18, 2017

Squirrel In A Ham

"Squirrel in a Ham" is the practice of inserting ones genitals inside of an overweight trans racial person while listening to the song "Brandon" by Motley Crue from the critically acclaimed 1997 Masterpiece "Generation Swine"

Dude I'm really itching to put my squirrel in a ham. I love you. I love her.
She is your mom.

by Nellyburger March 30, 2023