the slimy layer of lube and feces left behind after anal footing.
i'll join you in the hot tub as soon as i wash off my mud slippers.
the typical shape of an incestuous family tree
The smiths' family tree looked something like an Alabama Family Mud Puddle.
When you get a group of people and deficate on them like a shower or rain
I just had a huge mud shower
A Turkish mud bath is when you are in a bathtub with your significant other then you or your partner takes a shit in the bathtub and smear it over themselves and you
I love giving my wife a Turkish mud bath!
The act of masturbating whilst playing in mud
"I had the greatest orgasm while mud busting"
When your ass is raw from the single ply toilet paper and you aren’t near a sink or any wet wipes so you ball up the toilet paper and you spit on it and wipe your raw ass to completion.
Man, I only have a few pieces left of this toilet paper so I had to give it the ol Mississippi Mud Wipe.
A career politician, fluent in the arts of shit baggery
The President got how many people killed?? Lawrdy, that mud puppet is at it again
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