The greatest jungler in gold. Multi clash winner and clash worlds 2020 winner. Often known for ganking bot.
“Hey we need a jungler for clash this weekend. Can you play? “
“Sure, I can Nick in”
Nicks hair looks like a mushroom and once he found a friend he just can’t leave them alone and is obsessed with that person until he/she gets fed up
Hey have you seen nick?
Yes he’s still following me
The gayest most queer- like person you will ever meet. Grabs the bum cheeks of many men on a daily basis. Makes homo comments and probably have intercourse with homeless men.
Guys we’ve gotta run! Nicks coming!
faggots that don’t know what they want
will often waste their s/o time by being shitty all around
That Nick guy is such a weirdo. Fuckin faggot.
That one boy every new kid falls for. Usually Hella rude. But if you get to know him he’s super trustworthy. You can go to him for problems. (I know from experience) when you really need help he’ll be there. He gives the greatest advice.
Some dumbass with purple hair from some gay shit called world savvy.
Small, has twig arms that are easily breakable. He can't see when someone is just trying to be his friend and ends up hating them and when asked why, just says "because they're annoying". Besides that, you can have a decent conversation with him if he isn't pissed, but maybe he just needs to give some people a second chance.
Nick needs to get some help.