To bamboozle, deceive, bait and switch.
Sometimes with the help of multiple parties but not necessarily.
"Dude, I just got double dutched by my dogs. One of them distracted me while the other stole my sandwhich!"
smoking 2 different strains, dead opps, or oregano mixed with weed , in a blunt.
i could kill this man, and mix him wit the runtz, now that’sa double dutch
A made up language in which an “op” is placed before every vowel sound.
tropee - tree
Tr op ee
Only 1 op because the “ee is one vowel sound.
Opi hopope yopou openjopoy lopernoping thopis lopanguaopage.
Hopellopo, thopis opis hopow yopou spopeak dopoboble doputch
Hello, this is how you speak double Dutch
When two girls wearing clogs eat a croissant out of your ass
Wow that guy smells like croissants, he must of gotten a Double-Dutch last night.
the act of masturbating and finishing 2 times in rapid succession of the other.
Brad--"Did you go to that party last night man?"
Jack--"Nah. I just re-subscribed to Brazzers. I double dutched. My dick nearly fell off"
One standard quarter ounce (7 grams) of Cannabis rolled into a blunt.
“I got eight poured in my double cup,
Quarter ounce in a blunt that’s a double Dutch”
- Lil Peep on the song ‘Doubled up’
When the same text message from two minutes ago alerts you again.
“Yeah hold on I think my phone went off again. Ugh never mind, it was a double Dutch.”
“I hate it when my I think I got a new text but it turns out to be a double dutch!”