a dude who sets up female friends who aren't looking for relationships, but rather, who just wanna fuck
"He's such a nice guy for helping all those girls find love."
"Nah, he's a charity pimp. Those chicks just wanna get piped."
"I see... perhaps I should introduce myself."
n. He or she that doth chargeth an exorbitant sum for commonplace words that, when aggregated, shalt have magical meanings that conferreth limited liabilities and haveth the power to compel writs of coram nobis, habeus corpus, etc.; and for such services he or she shalt render unto clients bills that doth contain billing increments as small as six minutes; and shall ye fail to pay him or her, he or she shall initiate the shaft of the law unto thine anus.
Oh man, my word pimp is on my ass about that employment contract I gave him; he backhanded me when I didn't pay my bill.
thursday, a day to always remember, as known to me and my friends as Pimp Day. A day to dress like a pimp and not be a simp.
Morsel 1: hey whats THursday?
Morsel 2: Why Pimp Day of course !
Morsel 1: oh yes sister
\demp-st-er ‘pimp\ in /iorigin unknown (2009): b1 :/b A man who supports himself and his family on revenue manifested the sales of his Dumpster finds, byways of Restoring, Refurbishes, Reboot, and recycling. i2 :/i A man who providing his families wears, eats, and entertainment solely from trash. i 3 : /i Professional Dumpster diver.
iThat Darren ‘s a Dumpster Pimp, girl, I heard he gotta four bedroom home that’s fulled up garbage and real nice stuff too./i
I’m pimp zaddy. No need to define it. Just look at me tf…
Pimp juice is devons sweet ewy goowy
I use Devons pimp juice to get bitches
Pimp juice is anything that attracts the opposite sex it could be money fame or just intellect
She only wants me for my pimp juice not my pimp juice. No pimp juice I think I have to let her go