When a person sucks the Poo out of some ones anus and proceeds the eat the little chunks of Poo extracted out of the bum
Person one - what did u do last night
Person two- I bum ringed her but I can’t get the Poo smell out of my breathe
You literally pull all the girls, since women often masturbate with that finger
Holding up ring finger
The greatest literary lyrical ever wrote for a song.
Person 1: "From the screen to the ring to the pen to the king! Where’s my crown that’s my bling always trouble when I ring "
Person 2: "I don't know what song this is but I just got a goosebumps just from listening to it"
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Someone's butthole with a sweaty ring of poo residue around it.
She loves it when I rub her moon ring from behind.
Double speak by members of The Ratpack
- Dean Martin: the air is dry, the temperature is mounting, but something by the pool is a-missing
- Frank Sinatra: Why don’t ring a ding ding?
The Ring isn't made by the dark lord Sauron, but is used for measuring your own nipple and areola size. Measure using your thumb and pointer finger and make their tips meet so you form a circle. Stuff your hand down your shirt and make the circle smaller or bigger depending on the size of the areola and then take your fingers back out to see the results. Foolproof!
The girl had her hand down her shirt, which made Jimmy worried. Then she withdrew the hand and he realized she was just using the Finger Ring.
A Bakers Cock Ring is when one (usually elderly men) raps a twist tie around their cock to pervert it from leaking.
I used to leak everywhere before I started using a Bakers cock ring