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talking a walk on the wild side

To have a sexual experience with a cross dresser.

"Man, I thought going to bed without brushing my teeth was talking a walk on the wild side, but now this?!"

by DesPERRYado October 10, 2005

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taking my almond for a walk

A Tiktok meme that repetitively says, "taking my almond for a walk" in a British accent.

taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk,taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk

by Google eyeball June 23, 2020

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chicken-walking twink fluffer

noun; A homosexual male of the most flamboyant variety; A male prostitute

Look at that douche-bag in the turtleneck, he's such a chicken-walking twink fluffer

by Lifesaver & Lazarus November 9, 2007

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Walk what you talk

Basically means "do what you say"

Example 1:

Person 1: "You should stop being such a moron"
Person 2: "Walk what you talk"

Example 2:
Person 1: "You complain about things but you do them yourself. You should walk what you talk"

by finlay29 November 13, 2016

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walking talking sperm bank

A person who gives a lot of oral pleasure. See also cum dumpster.

She sucks so much cock that she's a walking talking sperm bank

by KingofSpain357 March 6, 2005

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He Who Walks Behind

A demonic entity from the Outside known as a Walker in the Dresden Files novels. He can be summoned only by mortal magic and was sent after Harry Dresden by his guardian, Justin DuMorne, when he resisted an enthrallment spell.

Harry was able to defeat He Who Walks Behind, thanks to the special timing of his birth, which supposedly gives him the power to kill Outsiders. This was not without injury however, and he bares a scar on his soul that can be seen by those with the Sight.

He is also one of the many entities that can sponsor power for a ritual, and was used for a particularly powerful entropy curse against Arturo Genosa's associates in Blood Rites.

"You who is marked by He Who Walks Behind!"

by He Who Walks Behind April 3, 2008

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I'm going to Walk the cat

To have sexual intercourse with a female.

"Hey whats going down with that chick and you?"
"Ah, I'm going to walk the cat."
"thata boy!" (slap hands)

and or,
"What are you about tonight?"
"Yo, I just want to walk a cat tonight"

and or,
"That girl is hella horny>"
"Ya, she wants her cat walked."

by Ryan Prewitt February 24, 2008

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