I used to jerk off to angry birds. When I was about 13 I LOVED angry birds, I had every game and bought every toy they had. One day I was playing angry birds when all of a sudden the big red bird turned me on. I couldn't stand it, I was going crazy. I decided to pull out my big long Willy and start jerking. I never had felt so good, I soon continued to do this daily and never got bored of it! That big red bird was so hot and those blue ones were some cuties. I am glad to admit I still do this to this very day.
i jork it to angry birds
Parents that are Pissed off because you report ça laisse à désirer and they refuse to help you to save your sinking Titanic.
I had 2 angry birds at home when I was younger.
angry parents that refuse to help you to save your sinking Titanic because you report ça laisse à désirer and they want you to do better
I had 2 angry birds at home when I was younger.
A game where you shoot bird and try to kill pigs
"Angry Birds is a boring game."
Hym "Why am I so angry? Because for the first 12 years I was depressed and suicidal and now that I can be certain that it wasn't a manifestation of my own mind and that this is something that was DONE TO ME I have ever right to be angry! You will accept the consequences of your collective transgressions against me or I WILL IMPOSE THEM! WHAT I DO TO YOUR KIDS IS GOING TO MAKE YOU LOVE MISOGYNY, ANTI-SEMITISM, RACISM, AND HOMOPHOBIA BY COMPARISON YOU RETARDED VERMIN!"