What C2s create friendships in order to get.
Person 1 Why does my friend keep stealing my granola bars??
Person 2: Because she's a C2!
Something that C2s use fake friendships in order to get.
The C2 uses it's amazing fake friendship technique in order to obtain this spectacular granola bar.
What C2s create friendships for.
C2s of the world: GRANOLA BARS ARE THE BEST!!
Granola bar companies: ██████████████████.
Granola Bars are food-like items used to create friendships with C2s. More powerful than any fruit snacks.
C2: Want to be friends?
Person 67493J: Sure
C2: ...
Person 67493J: ...
C2: Where... Where are the Granola Bars?
The only thing that can sustain a friendship with a C2.
Person 949632q: Why does C2 keep forcing me to give him granola bars? Isn't one enough?
Person 1:
Clenching and unclenching your buttcheeks as if there was a Mars Bar jammed inbetween them. This is to ensure you keep the blood flowing when standing still for a long period of time.
Instructor: To keep the blood flowing don't forget to eat a Mars Bar. Don't fully eat a Mars Bar, and don't produce a Mars Bar.
Being so high on barbiturates, AKA barbs, that you are unable to function normally.
He fell down the stairs and broke both his arms, but he was so barred out he did not feel a thing!