A delicious food, especially fresh out of the oven and smothered in butter. It smells amazing and tastes like heaven. Wheat bread is healthy and delicious, and white bread is...less healthy but still delicious.
"Mom, the bread is almost ready!"
In cockney rhyming slang, the term "bread and honey" is used as a substitute for "money," with "bread" being the slang term for money.
"He's always talking about how he's rolling in bread, but I've never seen him actually spend any of it."
Someone who loves to fuck bread
"I'm going to Bread later"
Bread.Theres all kinds of bread in the world,White bread, Pumpernickel,bagels,And sourdough.Most men like sourdough.Laurenzside is the QUEEN of bread.If you don't know her,type her user on YouTube.
Men:I LOVE sourdough! It's my favorite kind of bread!
Laurenzside:Im the queen of bread! (Laughs in bread queen.)