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Heelys Jew

The epitome of the perfect woman, she glides the halls like a leprechaun on acid. Don't come for her, or she will talk about her mom's brain surgery.

Did you see heelys jew yesterday? She was wearing her camo heelys.

by hochaum December 11, 2016

jew drop

when a jew (usually sminted) does a big poo, and it drops (and plops) in the toilet

christ, can you smell that jew drop that katie just unloaded?

by NoWapsFetty May 25, 2022

Tunnel Jew

The greediest type of human you can imagine.

Customs had me pay $30 clearance on a $25 item, such tunnel jews.

by Noticer69 January 16, 2024

Tunnel Jew

Jews who build and reside in tunnels under New York City with Brooklyn Synagogues as the central hub. They decorate their tunnels with strollers and highchairs. The preferred bed of the Tunnel Jew is blood-soaked matresses. The Tunnel Jew also has a tendency to fight against the NYPD (it's natural enemy) at every available opportunity.

Under NYC lives Tunnel Jews.

by Pelosi Hammered Me January 16, 2024

Tunnel Jew

New York Jews who make tunnels under New York City. They can be seen emerging from sewer drains in the night and heard by some 1st floor NYC residents.

“Bro I swear I’m not crazy! I can hear Yiddish under my living room floor at night. It has to be the Tunnel Jews.”

by Pet_My_Chia January 20, 2024

Tunnel Jew

Jerry Curl Jews who were so jealous the Muslims were making tunnels, they they decided to make their own under NYC. Typically they are against the support of Israel and rumored to support human trafficking.

“DUDE!! I’m not crazy! At night I can hear Yiddish under my living room floor. It has to be the Tunnel Jews”

by Pet_My_Chia January 20, 2024


Jew-hitsyu is a new fighting style from Israel, popular among a growing number of Jewish boxers, as jested by a white American racist to his fellow drunken friends.

Jew-hitsyu: the bigot's way to acknowledge that a Jewish man is a badass.

by Boba_McSolo December 31, 2014