A disease that effects the ribs and brain
Josh: *Pisses* Oh crap
Josh: umm...
Josh: Bye,
Often used with in conjunction with "Fuck it", we ballin' can be used as: let's do this no matter the shitty situation we are in.
-Bro if we go out tonight, we will have to walk back home in the cold.
-Fuck it, we ballin'!
They are brothers not by blood but by heart they get bitches together and have each other’s back they won’t give up and will keep going they are like drakes roly they never stop and they are very powerful even stronger than goku and all the anime shows out of your reading this brothers love you (no homo) we a bad bitch you can’t kill me
We a bad b you can’t kill us means we are together and very strong and will not be a broken bond
B means Bitch
the question you have to ask yourself when what starts as a barbecue with some CoD buddies turns into a cross-burning while cosplaying as bed sheets
"we totally beat the s*** out of those commie middle schoolers lol. let's go grab some brews to celebrate"
"hans...are we the baddies?"
Da classic bu**s**t remark dat people use to try to make each other feel better regarding an unforeseen/inconvenient downpour.
Everyone's lawns and gardens were flourishing just dandy before today's torrential downpour, so why is everyone telling each other, "We needed the rain at this time"?! Who needs drenched muddy sidewalks and huge messy puddles all over town???
Drive until we have no gas in the car
Where's the nearest gas station? Are we gonna Seinfeld this bitch?