When 3, or more, black men run a train on a white female
Becky took the midnight freight train with the football team last night.
A secret couple who secretly go to the train tracks to have sex. Train track buddie
Train track buddie is a secret couple who secretly go to the train tracks to have sex. Train track buddie
~“Hey “Train track buddie” want to go down to the train tracks and cheat on your boyfriend?”
~“Yes of course” Train track buddie
An adolescent young male who discovers breasts, and he unwittingly becomes trained by every female he meets to do whatever she says in hopes of gaining potential visual and physical contact with them.
My buddy never grew out of his training brah years, so I never tell him when I'm going to the strip club.
Awkward tall yet cute dork. Wears old worn out shoes.
"Wow hes such a lukeachu choo train"
"Wtf is a lukeachu choo train?"
"Look it up on Urban Dictionary or something i dont know"
When you travel so far / make so much progress doing something but you don't realize you forgot something utmost necessary, until way later on when it's too late. Named after the episode "Thomas' Train" from Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, where the titular character did not realize he was not coupled to the train he thought he was pulling.
Actor: *finishing his stunt for a film* Hey Jeff! Did you see me drive all the way down San Francisco's hills in a school bus, and crash the oil tanker trailer all in one POV take on my GoPro? You've gotta see the end result! I wanna see it too!
Assistant director: Uh, Bill, you left a little too fast. I think now's a bad time to tell you we forgot to put the SD card in your GoPro. Looks like a bad example of Thomas' Train Syndrome. You just blew our budget now that we lost both of our only trucks.