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This has to be hailed as a raging success

Sort of shite a deadbeat says when somethings been a one sided exercise in scoring virtue signalling points

This has to be hailed as a raging success, the hashtag you add when posting staged photos at a wacky warehouse when you have 2 hours free from all day spooneys sesh to spend with your kids

by Buffoon in a park December 5, 2020

Rage shitting

when one is in a fit of rage and decides to blow the back of a toilet out like a 12 gauge shotgun with a buckshot.

Caught my wife's boyfriend rage shitting in my shitter, so i killed him.

by HeavyD17 December 28, 2018

Writing Rage

Similar to road rage but is experienced after a long duration of writing, whether that be handwritten or typed. It is most prominent past the hours of 10 pm on an assignment due at 11:59.

Innocent person: hows the writing going brotato chip

Writer: alexa play murder on my mind by YNW Melly

Innocent person: damn bro calm down with the Writing Rage

by Trumpsucks2018 September 1, 2022

Rage buying

The furious act of buying hope after pure disappointment.

After not winning Oz Powerball’s $150 million jackpot prize, I was reduced to staying as a fuming rice queen trapped in the pauper lifestyle... so I commenced rage buying lottery tickets for a shot of hopeless comfort.

by ACunny May 23, 2024

Rage Muse

1. When someone or something causes one to become motivated and subsequently inspired by thoughts of anger or rage.

2. Inspiration by way of thoughts of anger or rage towards someone or something.

The linebacker on the other team called me a ‘little bitch-boy’ before the football game. I used it as my rage muse and led my team to a massive victory.

by Lucas Locks November 13, 2023

MuahLonnBEaT Down of rage 2 relBJaLooDs BEJriPyTomBUriEDs

A Bemmimgfilm by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine a band of street ganbjrasters terrorized the inner city HooooBJects and it is left up to Lonnie benningfield junior to saved the day. By LBJ as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine. BECUSSINS AND RELBJATIVES

I invented and made and created and started muahlonnbeat down of rage 2 relbjaloods bejripytomburieds by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine

by Lonnie Benningfield juniorshaq December 18, 2024

raging drunk

A drunk person who can easily get riled up and become verbally and physically hostile.

Mom: What happened? Why do you sound so upset?
Daughter: My raging drunk of a husband started fighting with me in front of the children again. The neighbours had to come to break it up.
Mom: That piece of shit! I'm coming there along with your dad to talk to him. You take care of yourself and the children.

by TheGreatFailure February 12, 2016