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it’s a word used for being more stupid

is aint a word. no summer ain’t isn’t a word geez your more stupider then i thought

by nicksnyder66 January 18, 2022


When you are more stupid than stupid

John I feel more stupider than your mom

by Daddy123 December 1, 2018

Stupid bop

When somebody is stupid or dumb

Nick Moore a pencil is not a way to save ur seat ur such a stupid bop

by Ur mum gay XD September 27, 2017

Stupid shroom

Just like any other shroom, but the side effects never kick in. often used when yelling at the mushroom.

bill: "Did you find any shrooms last night, dude?"
Smokey: "yeah man, but it was a stupid shroom."
Bill: "WTF?"
Smokey: "defective shroom, DUH"

by monkeys come with Iron December 4, 2008

Bloody Stupid Hat

A hat made out of witch's skin with an asshole inside of it and is super cursed. Whoever wears ends up with bad luck.

It's a bloody stupid hat with a bloody stupid curse on it, and every time he wears it something bloody stupid terrible happens. I've tried throwing it away, but every time I do, it ends up crawling back, literally!

by Vampira Andres November 29, 2022

what the stupid

A family-friendly saying usually used as a joke.

What the stupid?!

by LardoTardo April 22, 2020

iKON Bobby is a stupid elephant element crazy

iKON Bobby is a stupid elephant element crazy

iKON Bobby is a stupid elephant element crazy

by syafinaz? October 22, 2023

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