Along with ur mum gei, ur dad a lesbo, ur granny tranny, and ur sister's a mister this phrase can destroy a man's life it has never failed.
Hitler:usa is gei
Us soldier: ur grandpap a trap
it will insta kill u, u are just fully dead
person 1: ur granny a tranny bitch
person 2: well fuck off ur grandpap a trap
person 1: just insta fucking death
1 step higher than ur granny tranny
bill: ur mum gai
Jeff: ur dad lesbian
Bill: ur granny tranny
Jeff: ur grandpap a trap
Bill: *cries
The worst possible phrase. Worse than ur mom gay ur dad lesbian and ur granny tranny combined.
Carl: ur granny tranny
Jimmy: ur grandpap a trap
*Carl dies and the whole world explodes also the entire solar system is destroyed*
national gives your sister aids day is on september 23rd, be careful and have fun but don’t get caught! 🤘😂🤪
bro did you hear tomorrow is national give ur sister aids day?
wait for real yo? i’m totally participating!
yeah can’t get in trouble if it’s a holiday
even worse than ur granny tranny or ur pappy trappy, you use it when you wanna destroy your opponent
V: hey dude, ur mom gay
L: haha, ur pappy trappy
V: oh, you don't want what is next
L: what?!
V: ur momma a pappa
L: *instantly dies, creates an alternate universe and earth explote*
An insult compared to ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian but to an even greater effect.
Mark:dude ur mom gay
Doug:oh yeah ur daddy a trappy
*Mark disintergrates into ash from harsh roast*