Use this when someone is talking nonstop, ruining your chill moments and requiring too much of your energy to fully comprehending the reason he’d post such shit.
* Eligible for use whenever you disagree with someone else too
Speaker 1: Man you saw that new Spider-Man yet!??
Middle Speaker: Iron man once said "Heroes are made by the path
they choose not the powers they are graced with I may not be a marvel superhero but I do want to choose a path of a hero. My name is “Dumb Fuck” and I am running for the position of assistant headboy. It's ironic that I say that because I am standing still right now.
(Superior) Speaker 3: man **shut this nigga up**
To do the things that only a mom can do.
I need to mom up & clean this pile of dog poop on the carpet that my son got a wiff of while torturing his sister by attempting to put her face in it then proceeded to vomit on top of said poop.
When keith cruise scores a big billy boofter top bins
Oaye freddo Straight up it’s blurt Keith cruise 420 balls
Gassed-up mid refers to someone who is around a 4-7 out of 10 in appearance and looks similar to many others, but has been convinced they are more attractive or of higher status than they actually are
Girl's the definition of gassed-up mid. A basic 4 acting too bougie for 6s and under
An environment, object, or person that is completely fucked up
when you drive by some crack addicts on sunset boulevard
Mike: “Damn, did you see those cooked up niggaz we just drove by?”
Samantha: “Nope, I was busy giving you road head.”
Mike: “Yeah you were bitch!!! I didn’t say stop…”
Waking someone up by performing oral sex on the sleeping party.
He woke me by doing a Australian wake up