When your asshole leaks of penisbutter and sometimes sweat that leaks down from your anal hairs.
Bryston: Hey Dennis did you get ass leakage after that hike from the mountains?
Dennis: Yeah man it was a really bad experience i was held up behind some rocks and i contracted the ass leakage disease and eer since it leaked prefusely.
Farting in one location and then dragging it over to another.
Dude, that's some bad Drag-Ass (Noun).
When your leading the team on call of duty and your team is some DOG ASS
Holly shit I have 20 kills and my teammates don’t have any, they are Dog Ass
used when you have a yee yee ass haircut
used to insult a furry
person 1: bro shut yo dog ass up
furry with yee yee ass haircut: god dam
A person who snitches on their homeboys
Ayo look at his dog ass walking down the road
When a person has no cushion for the pushin, a concave behind.