A brilliant thing to do when one is feeling so FRIGGIN BORED, that one tries to literally gulp up the urban dictionary, leaving maybe a single grain of sand behind, but guess what, this word is PART of that single grain of sand!
have a EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd weekend bruh.
The word EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd is awesome!
TwoPatronimo was the best red 8 to ever exist and the name has recently been shat on by some terrible new red 8.
twopatronimo is an orgasmic red-8
November 8 is a day when a girl named susanne was born. you should really respect her because she's fucking cool. you should also send her a birthday message on instagram! because it would make her very happy.
Amalie: whose birthday it is, 8 november
Viktoria: that it is of course its susanne!
Amalie: oh how could i forget?
DM: susannesjohansen
When discussing females amognst your boys, a female might be classified as a naked 8. She is not consodered and 8 unless she is comoletely naked.
“No bro that chick is a 7.” Bob says he agrees with that statement, “bit she is a naked 8”