A girl has 10+ men cum in her mouth. Then she proceeds to do the infamous Triple H entrance.
Only complete with “The Game” playing in the background
“Bro she did the Triple H.”
“No way!”
“It was a terrible mess”
The horses asses will always out number the horses at any given time.
Anyone working or performing will be judged by at least two idiots at any given time- HA>H(t)
Short/convinent for social media *platforms so they will not remove the content* form for ~S3lf-harm~. Usually used in online chats and social media platforms.
Alex: Hei, do you know whats wrong with Sabrina?
Andrew: She doesn’t feel good, she s/h ed because of depression.
Alex: Im so sorry for her, is she all right?
Andrew: Dk, I didn’t talk to her since yesterday, she texted me a shady message that she will s/h , i hope she’s ok, if she dosent respond in 1 hour i’ll call her parents:(
Abbreviation for She/Her
can also be s/h/h (she/her/hers)
When a male is to lazy to take off his boxers after a tinder date so he recieves a hand job over the boxers
I was too lazy after the date that she decided to give me a H-Jib