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Anime is made from the Japanese culture Anime fans are called Weeb’s and Otaku’s

I love anime

by Puke boi 🖤 July 28, 2020


Something virgins watch all the time

Person1; Hey do you watch anime?
Person2; Yeah, why?
Person1; Nice so you're a virgin?

by NoobBrando August 14, 2022


not very based but kinda cringe ngl

ewwwww anime, yuck

by Fireborn4873 November 3, 2022

1👍 2👎


Some weird thing with cartoon characters. That weebs like to watch.....

Omg did you see that stupid Anime that the web is watching

by Vonvinnmm February 9, 2021


The best fucking thing you will ever watch, must watch it unless your gonna watch a shit anime (lucky star) then you shouldn’t have access to the internet.

Weeb 1: what’s your favorite anime?

Weeb 2: Lucky Star

Weeb 1: *stabs weeb 2 37 times in the torso

by LordLevi69 February 18, 2022


Something mentally ill people watch and is

Making genZ soft

I love to watch anime

by Wxrld February 26, 2021


Japanese Show

Person 1: I love anime!
Person 2: me too!

by MochaMoon December 28, 2022