The 4th Gen Holy Trinity consists of Jake Jay and Sunghoon who are members of the popular kpop group called Enhypen. These three are a very well-known trio who are incredibly popular among kpop stans for their visuals, talent and overall presence. All three of them have mesmerizing visuals and it doubles in power when they are together. They go viral every day on various social media platforms and captures the attention of everyone including the media who have made multiple articles about them. They truly are one of the most popular trios in kpop at the moment.
02z of enhypen, the 4th Gen Holy Trinity.
Another way of saying "Holy Sh*t", originated by Ted.
"Holy snot, that computer is awesome!"
Good ass head. Plain and simple.
She gave me that holy shmoly.
A Good Lil Christian that is revealed to be a vile monster and makes up claims about sic'ing gumshoes on investigative journalists because they were revealed to be a public figure on Linkedin. Their form of Christianity stems from the Blab-it-n-Grab-it theology. See McChurch or drinkthekoolaid (the butt of that second crack would pull the damned race card over that crack. )
Sherri Parker on twitter befriended the plagiarist enabler The Egoless Writer's composer as I revealed in truth they're both a Holy Paint Chip Eater. A Holy Paint Chip Eater is one that shits on scientific ideas and philosophical thought, they'd might have only one book in the house or on their pinterest "Their Books Worth Reading" is empty and have repeated memes of Kermit drinking Lipton Tea as she claims I am a "wus" when the goblin failed to realize I busted Rachel Dolezal finding her linkedin account.
An exclamation used when you see something incredibly unbelievable or an actual sacred canine testicle.
A: Hey, check out my new shirt bro.
A: I know it's great. Right?
B: No. Look behind ya, seriously.
A: whoa
Holy Caron!!!
Who's Caron and why is she holy???
Cause she a child of god.